What MultiMinds stands for

Our corporate core values represent the most important values within our company. These values aren't just words on a page; they guide our actions, inspire our decisions, and shape our culture. Our MultiMinds team is driven by these values. And our values give confidence to our customers. It becomes clear what MultiMinds stands for.

In 2023 we have reevaluated our corporate core values through workshops with our management and all our employees: respect, growth, customer intimacy, empathy/sincerity, engagement and trust.

Let's explain what these values mean to us.

Lara Vandooren


"At MultiMinds, we believe in always doing the right thing, with respect, integrity, and honesty - even when no one is watching. Our commitment extends to all our stakeholders, including our employees and customers, and we honor our agreements with the utmost sincerity. Above all, we believe in treating others the way they want to be treated." - Lara Vandooren, Project Manager

Siegert Dierickx

Customer intimacy

“It's in our DNA to build deep relationships with our customers, to understand their wants and needs, and to support them in achieving their goals. From the way we communicate to how we innovate, everything is centered on delivering exceptional value and delighting our customers. Every decision we make, no matter how big or small, we have our customers top of mind." - Siegert Dierickx, Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Niels Verbeeck


“Trust is the foundation for building successful relationships. We prioritise honesty, reliability, integrity and transparency in all our interactions, whether with our colleagues, customers or stakeholders. Trust is integral to our culture, and we count on each other to fulfill responsibilities and provide constructive feedback.” - Niels Verbeeck, Head of Operations

Shauny De Schrijver


“We firmly believe in treating everyone with dignity and respect. We recognise that everyone is unique and has their own challenges and strengths. We value diversity, actively listen, and create a welcoming environment where different perspectives are valued. Our culture promotes empathy and sincerity to ensure everyone feels heard, understood, and appreciated." - Shauny De Schrijver, Office & HR Manager

Geoffrey Pappaert


”Engagement means that we make it a top priority to actively seek solutions, both with our customers and one another. At our core, we believe in taking initiative, recognising that collaboration and engagement are crucial components to achieving our goals. To foster open channels of communication and encourage feedback, we believe in the power of teamwork to drive our success forward." - Geoffrey Pappaert, Analytics Implementation Expert

Philippe Vlaemminck


“As a team, we want to see everyone thrive and reach their full potential. That's why we make continuous growth a priority, providing training and resources. We believe in personal and organisational growth through encouraging our team to step out of their comfort zones, embracing new challenges, and expanding their horizons. We're committed to supporting each other on our ongoing journey of growth, pushing boundaries and achieving our goals together. - Philippe Vlaemminck, Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Who are we?

MultiMinds is an independent data analytics agency. We unlock, analyse and activate digital and offline data so organisations of all sizes can offer better customer experiences to their customers.

Our no-nonsense approach results in honest and straightforward conclusions and advice that create value of data and aims to establish long-term, trust-based relationships with our customers.

Office team lunch
Office Niels Pauline
Office Nico Geoff pool
Office MultiMinds wooden letters