Customer Data Architecture

Imagine you’re building a puzzle, but this puzzle is about understanding and serving your customers better. The puzzle pieces are the data points you collect from various sources and applications. Customer Data Architecture is the blueprint for how to fit the pieces together.

Pencil drawing - ear gramophone

What is Customer Data Architecture? 

Today, customer information crucial to be successful. But often this data is captured and stored in different environments. Customer Data Architecture connects the dots, piecing together a complete puzzle of each customer to improve their experience. Taking charge of your Customer Data Architecture ensures you never lose a puzzle piece.

Customer Data Architecture, from vision to capabilities

Customer Data Architecture sits in the middle between business and technology. It enables business architecture (capabilities, processes and teams) and drives your application architecture and data technology choices.

Acceleration workshop 

Starting to piece together your ideal Customer Data Architecture puzzle is a daunting task. Fortunately, MultiMinds is here to guide you along the way. Our acceleration workshop for Customer Data Architecture is a pragmatic, hands-on exercise providing clarity and direction in three main Customer Data domains:

1. Data Activation and Customer Data Platforms

2. Business Intelligence

3. Digital Analytics

After this workshop, you will have gained a clear view on:

  • The business goals and priorities driving customer data needs.
  • The capabilities your organisation requires to fulfil these needs.
  • A roadmap to transition from the as-is situation to the target architecture.

Ready to accelerate your customer data?

How it works

Our specialists will guide you through every step.

Capture stakeholder needs, business goals and understand technological context

  • One-on-one interviews
  • Interactive workshop with stakeholders

Fit-gap analysis and propose roadmap

  • Document as-is, to-be and gaps
  • Propose a capabilities and use case roadmap based on value and feasibility
  • Advise on opportunities for rationalisation

Present outcome to stakeholders and define tangible first steps

  • Ensure alignment on challenges and priorities: getting everyone on the same page
  • Discuss roadmap and opportunities for rationalisation