Lunch & learn about CDP as a Service (Gent)

You’ve heard of traditional customer data platforms (CDPs). Now, get ready for CDP as a service (CDPaaS). MultiMind’s subscription-based CDP is the perfect solution for businesses who put customer experience at the heart of their activities, but feel held back by financial, technical and other concerns.

Lunch & Learn about CDPaaS Voka Ghent 26 September 2023

The easy way to leverage the power of a CDP

Today, marketers have embraced data to enhance customer experiences on digital platforms. To fully harness the power of data, leveraging a CDP is an indispensable component. But implementing the right CDP for your organisation faces challenges:

  • High initial cost to entry
  • Complicated implementation process
  • Lacking skills and resources

To address the challenges of today, we have developed CDPaaS (CDP as a Service), a subscription-based CDP solution that enables organisations to swiftly launch uses cases without the concerns of a technical implementation and the need for additional resources and skills.

Discover our new service: CDPaaS

Our CDPaaS (CDP as a Service) ensures the power of streamlined data, advanced segmentation, and personalised customer interactions across your marketing ecosystem.


  • Low cost to entry
  • Fast activation
  • Fully managed
  • Discover more benefits at our lunch & learn event

Discover our CDPaaS (Customer Data Platform as a Service), a subscription-based CDP solution designed to empower organisations in quickly deploying use cases. This service eliminates worries about technical implementations, extra resource requirements, and skill demands.

Lunch & learn event

Join us for a lunch & learn event, where we will discuss:

  • How CDP as a Service works
  • Use cases
  • Benefits of CDPaaS
  • Our unique offering

We would be honored by your presence to this event. We hope to see you there.

Practical information

Location: Voka (Lammerstraat 18, 9000 Gent (BE))


12:00 - 12:30 Start event & lunch
12:30 - 12:45 Agneske, a real-life example of perfect customer experience creation
12:45 - 13:00 How to become the online version of Agneske?
13:00 - 13:15 Inspirational CDP use cases with different objectives
13:15 - 13:30 Some thoughts on the current state of the CDP market
13:30 - 13:45 CDP as a Service: The Perfect Kick-start to Value Generation
13:45 - 14:00 Q&A