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Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Diverse Strategies for Server-Side Tracking

Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Diverse Strategies for Server-Side Tracking

Siegert Dierickx

What is Server-Side tracking? We delve into the essentials of Server-Side Tracking and three distinct implementation strategies, each offering a nuanced approach to Server-Side tracking.


Don’t be fooled by Google’s U-turn: why you should stick to your first-party data strategy

Siegert Dierickx

Google’s recent delay in phasing out third-party cookies may seem like a reason to pause your shift towards first-party data strategies—but don’t be fooled. As privacy regulations tighten and more browsers block third-party cookies, relying on outdated methods will only lead to diminishing returns. Now is the time to double down on server-side data collection and first-party strategies. By taking control of your data and prioritising privacy, you’ll build deeper customer trust and ensure sustainable, long-term growth. Discover why sticking to a first-party data approach is essential in today’s evolving digital landscape.

Press release White and Yellow Cross

The White and Yellow Cross entrusts MultiMinds with its analytics challenges for the next 4 years

Siegert Dierickx

After an intensive search for a partner in digital analytics, tag management and dashboarding, the White and Yellow Cross has chosen MultiMinds. This decision followed an intensive pitch process that began with an initial selection round where 11 parties were evaluated, followed by a Request For Proposal round with 4 companies. MultiMinds emerged as the clear winner, thanks to several decisive factors.

Data Discovery: Exploring the Hidden Costs of Incomplete Data

Data Discovery: Exploring the Hidden Costs of Incomplete Data

Siegert Dierickx

Is it mandatory for organisations to move away from Client-Side tracking? No, but there are a couple of very good reasons why you should migrate to Server-Side data collection.

Navigating Data Chaos: Why Client-Side Tracking Falls Short

Navigating Data Chaos: Why Client-Side Tracking Falls Short

Siegert Dierickx

Client-Side tracking uses your website visitors’ browsers (the client) to send data directly to a server. Currently it is the typical tracking method that almost all websites use.

The shifting landscape of CDPs

The Shifting Landscape of Customer Data Platforms: Can't See the Wood for the Trees

Siegert Dierickx

In the ever-evolving world of marketing technology, few solutions have garnered as much attention and investment as Customer Data Platforms (CDPs). Once hailed as the panacea for all customer data woes, today's reality paints a different picture. While the promise of CDPs remains undeniable, their actual impact often falls short of expectations. As the dust settles on the hype, it's crucial to understand the current state of CDPs and chart a strategic path forward.

Intern Mikael Blandina

My Journey as a Digital Marketing Intern at MultiMinds

Mikael Blandina

The past two months, I had the privilege of interning as a digital marketer at MultiMinds. This period was an intensive learning experience, filled with valuable insights and practical knowledge that have stimulated my professional growth. I am excited to share the highlights of my journey and the lessons I learned at this innovative company.

MultiMinds 10 years

Celebrating a decade of success at MultiMinds

Siegert Dierickx

1 July 2024 marks a significant milestone for MultiMinds as we celebrate our 10th anniversary. As co-founders, Philippe and I are incredibly proud to reflect on our journey and the achievements that have brought us to where we are today. Over the past decade, we have established a recognised brand not only in Belgium but also beyond its borders.

MultiMinds triumphs in KitchenAid EMEA pitch

MultiMinds triumphs in KitchenAid EMEA pitch

Siegert Dierickx

Following an intensive quest for a data, BI, and customer experience partner, KitchenAid EMEA – the prestigious brand specialising in small domestic kitchen appliances and equipment - has made the decision to partner with MultiMinds. This determination came after a challenging pitch where MultiMinds competed against three other prominent contenders. The selection of MultiMinds was driven by several compelling factors that emerged during the pitch process, leading into the signing of a 3-year contract between KitchenAid EMEA and MultiMinds.

The Future of Data Constellations

The Future of Data Constellations

Siegert Dierickx

Our third VIP event - The Future of Data Constellations – was a great success! Taking some first steps into golf, getting inspired by 3 digital and data experts, and, most importantly, networking and sharing experiences with 30 data afficionados was the ideal mix of business and pleasure.

The impact of Europe's AI Act on customer experience

The Impact of Europe's AI Act on Customer Experience

Jens Scheerlinck

On 13 March, the European Parliament passed the world’s first Artificial Intelligence regulation. Just as with privacy concerns, the European Union is once again demonstrating its leadership in important legislation. The AI Act aims to ensure Europeans can trust what AI has to offer. Trust is also one of the anchor points in MultiMinds’ vision on data-driven customer experiences. So, does the AI Act empower us to further our cause? Or does it provide additional loopholes for even the most well-meaning companies to jump through?

CDP use cases basics and beyond

CDP use cases: basics and beyond

Siegert Dierickx

A CDP is more than just another marketing tool. Before deciding which customer data platform (CDP) is the right fit for your business, you need to determine how it can help you reach your objectives. In other words, you need to define your key CDP use cases and prioritise them. Still looking for inspiration on how to activate your customer data and drive results? Here are some of our favorite foundational and advanced use cases for you to consider that will help you improve your customer experiences.

Techtrip Voka 2024 - Group picture Microsoft

TechTrip Vancouver and Seattle

Philippe Vlaemminck

For the 5th time, Philippe Vlaemminck, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at MultiMinds, joined the Voka TechTrip, this time heading to Vancouver and Seattle along with 42 other entrepreneurs.

CDP use cases implementation prioritisation

CDP use case development and prioritisation

Siegert Dierickx

With all the marketing buzz surrounding customer data platforms and how indispensable they are, we risk ignoring one important question: what are they actually used for? As you can imagine, the possibilities are almost endless, which is why proper use case definition and strategic prioritisation are essential for success. The success of a CDP deployment depends on selecting the right use cases straightaway. Here’s how to do it right.

How to Configure Consent Mode in Google Tag Manager

How-to: Configure Consent Mode in Google Tag Manager

Niels Verbeeck

In digital marketing today, it's vital to be trusted by your audience. Google's Consent Mode is Google's way of helping you follow rules while still collecting data with their products.

The crucial role of Server-Side Tracking in complete data control

The crucial role of server-side tracking in complete data control

Peter Vertongen

With Google's announcement to phase out third-party cookies, marketers face the challenge of reclaiming control over their website data. This article explores the challenges posed by the demise of third-party cookies and introduces server-side tracking as a vital alternative. By addressing the weaknesses of client-side tracking, server-side tracking offers marketers greater data control, accuracy, and valuable insights. As the era of third-party cookies comes to an end, it's time for marketers to embrace server-side tracking for a more controlled and secure data future.

The poisoned gift of data governance

Data resolutions for 2024: The (poisoned) gift of data governance

Jens Scheerlinck

In this blog post, we dive into the essential yet often misunderstood realm of Data Governance. Which Data Governance resolutions will you write down for 2024 in your ambition to become a data-driven organisation?

Unwrapping a cda

Data resolutions for 2024: Unwrapping a Customer Data Architecture

Jens Scheerlinck

How do you use all the data you capture to gain a competitive advantage? It’s not always about capturing the most data or using the latest technologies. In this post, we explore how a carefully designed customer data architecture can help you shape exceptional customer experiences.

Data as a key asset

Data resolutions for 2024: Data as a key asset

Jens Scheerlinck

Over the years, organisations have traversed eras where money, intellectual property, and human capital took centre stage. However, the digital age has ushered in a paradigm shift, making data the true game-changer.

The evolution of CDPs composability

Suite, smart hub, and composable: the many faces of a customer data platform

Siegert Dierickx

Customer data platforms come in various shapes, sizes, and approaches. Since David Raab coined the term customer data platform in 2013, CDPs have evolved immensely. The composable CDP, which consists of a set of integrated, best-of-breed tools instead of a single package, remains hugely popular. But which solution is best for your situation? And are those really the only alternatives? And what about CDPaaS? Let’s find out.

How to become a privacy-first company - Episode 5 - Wrap it up

Becoming a privacy-first company - 5: Wrap it up

Nicolas Lierman

Congratulations on making it to the last episode of our series about how to become a privacy-first company! While there is a ton more to say about the hows and whys of becoming a privacy-first company, we’ve covered the key points over the course of past episodes. … what’s that? You don’t remember? And you deleted our precious work from your inbox? Well, guess you’re lucky we prepared a handy little recap!

CDP implementation

CDP implementation

Siegert Dierickx

Customer data platforms (CDPs) are, without a doubt, the go-to solution for organisations looking to harness the full potential of customer data. Unfortunately, implementing a CDP comes with a unique set of challenges. Let’s explore some of the main hurdles for successful implementation, and reveal how a subscription-based approach could offer a solution.

How to become a privacy-first company - Episode 4 - Stack it up

Becoming a privacy-first company - 4: Stack it up

Nicolas Lierman

Obviously, people don’t like to use technologies they don’t trust – because why would they, right? That’s why we love building alternative solutions that enable companies to take full ownership of their marketing data. In this episode, we take a closer look at ‘the modern data stack’.

Harnessing the power of data doesn’t just require careful strategic thinking – you also need the right tools to collect, model, and analyse it. And boy, are there tools available. Just look at this dazzling infographic containing over 10,000 marketing technology solutions.

What is a Customer Data Platform

Why you should care about customer data platforms

Siegert Dierickx

As modern customers, we expect consistent communication, relevant and personalised content recommendations, and smooth interactions from brands and organisations – across all channels. I mean, how hard can it be? Pretty damn hard, actually. Luckily, there exists something called a customer data platform or CDP. These nifty tools have become virtually indispensable for any company who wants to keep up in today’s high-stakes environment. And you’re about to learn all about them.

Taking control: clickstream data offloading in a nutshell

Taking control: clickstream data offloading in a nutshell

Jens Scheerlinck

By now, every company realises the value of data. However, many still rely on black box tools and applications to provide insights into the digital footprint of their customers. Clickstream data offloading emerges as a cost-effective technique for businesses to take back control and unlock its potential beyond the realm of digital analytics. Whether you're a data enthusiast or a business leader, this blog post provides you with an understanding to use clickstream data offloading to generate value for your organisation.

How to become a privacy-first company - Episode 3 - Minds over matter

Becoming a privacy-first company - 3: Minds over matter

Nicolas Lierman

Ok, so you understand the urgency of privacy-first marketing. You (sort of) know where you want to go, and what you should avoid. It might be tempting to start implementing technologies like server-side tracking, customer data platforms, etc… But not before setting clear goals, drawing a roadmap, and getting everyone on the same page. That’s right: it’s time to talk strategy.

How to become a privacy-first company - Episode 2 - Where we're going

Becoming a privacy-first company - 2: Where we're going

Peter Vertongen

Welcome to the second episode of of our series about how to become a privacy-first company. If the first chapter left you feeling flustered (btw, how did that GDPR test go?), rest assured: it’s not all doom and gloom and pesky legislation. While we’d argue that taking a privacy-first approach is no longer optional, embracing this fact and going all-in can be a major strategic advantage too. Here’s why.

How to become a privacy-first company - Episode 1 - How we got here

Becoming a privacy-first company - 1: How we got here

Nicolas Lierman

Hi, and welcome to the first episode of our new series about how to become a privacy-first company. Over the next 5 episodes, we’ll set sail on a journey, away from the treacherous waters of digital advertising and towards the serene shores of first-party data. You’ll learn why customer privacy matters for your organisation, how to set up a privacy-first culture, strategy, and data stack, and establish lasting changes.

Glad to have you on board! Let’s start with a little context.

Composable Technology - Four principles for a composable customer data strategy

Four principles for a composable customer data strategy

Jens Scheerlinck

Composable technology is a highly debated topic, currently at its peak in terms of interest from marketing technology professionals. With the hype come inflated expectations, different interpretations and vendors using it left, right and centre to describe their solutions. In this last episode of our 3-part series, we break it down into the essentials and illustrate the 4 principles for a composable customer data strategy.

Composable Technology - Four signs your organisation is ready for composable technology

Four signs your organisation is ready for composable technology

Jens Scheerlinck

Composable technology is a highly debated topic, currently at its peak in terms of interest from marketing technology professionals. With the hype come inflated expectations, different interpretations and vendors using it left, right and centre to describe their solutions. In this second episode of our 3-part series, we break it down into the essentials and describe the 4 signs your organisation is ready for composable technology.

Composable Technology - What is it and why should you care

What is composable technology and why should you care?

Jens Scheerlinck

Composable technology is a highly debated topic, currently at its peak in terms of interest from marketing technology professionals. With the hype come inflated expectations, different interpretations and vendors using it left, right and centre to describe their solutions. In this first episode of our 3-part series, we break it down into the essentials and explain why you and your organisation should care.

My internship at MultiMinds

The internship of a Digital Marketeer at MultiMinds

Maria Clara De Araujo Alves

At MultiMinds, I had the chance to learn a lot about marketing technology and all the possible uses of data. I firmly believe that a data-driven marketing approach is essential for any marketing team to succeed, and I was excited to learn how to implement this strategy.

How SSI will reshape the online advertising world

How self-sovereign identity will reshape the online advertising world

Maria Clara De Araujo Alves

As privacy concerns grow among customers, the online advertising world is changing. In this new era, companies need to adapt and find new ways to connect with their audiences while respecting their privacy. Here’s how companies can use SSI to their advantage.

The Future of Online Identity

The Future of Online Identity

Siegert Dierickx

On May 11th 2023, MultiMinds organised its second exclusive event to discuss the future opportunities and challenges of data. We were inspired by 3 expert presentations and had vivid discussions with a diverse group of 30 experts from marketing, BI, IT, privacy, etc. Of course, this inspiration and positive vibe was also enabled by a wonderful dinner at the beautiful vineyard of Valke Vleug.

Digital Markets Act & Digital Service Act

Will the Digital Markets Act (DMA) change the online industry forever?

Nicolas Lierman

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” a wise person once said. It’s not surprising, then, that major digital platforms have been violating users’ privacy and engaging in anti-competitive practices. But EU regulators remain vigilant. Recently, two pieces of legislation came into effect that could change the online industry forever: the digital markets act (DMA) and digital services act (DSA).

Eureka - Daniel Heer

Eureka! with Daniel Heer (Zeotap)

Siegert Dierickx

The European CDP market is booming like never before. More and more companies are looking for ways to unify their data, personalise their services, and optimise their business results. Almost 10 years after founding his second venture, we sat down with Zeotap CEO Daniel Heer to discuss his vision on data and privacy, the complex role of authorities in data protection, and the sense and nonsense of Customer Data Platforms.

New colleague - Jens Scheerlinck

Welcome to our new data solutions architect

Siegert Dierickx

We have welcomed Jens Scheerlinck onboard as our new Data Solutions Architect. His primary objective is to provide customers with data solutions that are both innovative and reliable, as well as scalable enough to meet their business requirements.

Automated migration by Google

Automated migration by Google

Jens Beulens

As you probably all know, in July 2023, all standard Universal Analytics (UA) properties will stop processing data (July 1st, 2024, for 360 Universal Analytics properties). Migrating to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or another analytics tool is crucial for the continuity and performance of your analytics setup.

However, migrating to GA4 can be a real hassle and might be a lot more work than just copying your UA-configuration. Getting to know the tool and its functionalities, dealing with its flaws and differences, and most important, rethinking the way you perform your analytics: it’s all part of a well-executed migration. Google offers you the opportunity to automatically create GA4-properties with basic features. We recommend doing a manual migration. Here's why.

The top 5 trends in data and analytics for 2023

The top 5 trends in data and analytics for 2023

Siegert Dierickx

Looking to stay ahead of the curve in data and analytics for 2023? We cover everything from the phasing out of third-party cookies to the rise of SSI, the quest for return, composable technology and the endless search for the unicorn. The world of data is evolving rapidly. Join us as we explore the top 5 trends in data and analytics for 2023.

Eureka - Jascha Kaykas-Wolff (Lytics)

Eureka! with Jascha Kaykas-Wolff (Lytics)

Siegert Dierickx

Yahoo!, Microsoft, Webtrends, Involver, BitTorrent, Mozilla, Lytics.This isn’t a random list of some of the most influential companies of the digital age. It’s the resume of Lytics president Jascha Kaykas-Wolff. But this list doesn’t nearly do him justice. He was also at the forefront of innovations like e-commerce, product suites, agile marketing, and customer data platforms.

Beyond the Buzz - Reverse ETL

Beyond the Buzz: reverse ETL

Iain Murphy

We’ve raved about the benefits and capabilities of customer data platforms (CDPs) many times before. But lately, there’s a lot of buzz around a new type of data activation: reverse ETL. Reverse ETL as an alternative to a CDP is all the talk right now. Of course, we couldn’t let the opportunity slip to weigh in on the debates in your favourite content series. Should you consider changing your data set-up? Let’s find out in a new Beyond the buzz.

MeasureCamp Brussels

Growing analytics community at MeasureCamp Brussels

Siegert Dierickx

On the 3rd of December MultiMinds attended the 4th MeasureCamp Brussels event. For those who don’t know MeasureCamp yet, it is THE most popular analytics unconference in the world. There are not a lot of analytics events happening in Belgium during the year, but at least the MeasureCamp is a steady factor. And this 4th edition in Brussels was probably one of the best so far.

How Web3 will revolutionise digital identity

The online identity revolution of Web3

Nicolas Lierman

Question: how much do you own online? Unless you have some cryptocurrency stored in a wallet, the answer is nothing. Web3 promises to change that. But where is it realistically headed beyond Musk-endorsed shitcoins and NFT monkeys? Blockchain innovations are truly taking off, so it's time to look at how Web3 will completely revolutionise our online identity.

Server-Side Tracking: Should you consider it?

The end of third-party cookies is here. Should you consider server-side tracking as an alternative?

Peter Vertongen

As we are approaching the irreversible end of third-party cookies, marketers should consider the alternatives to third-party based advertising. Faithful followers know we are big fans of server-side tracking. We developed a tool to help you decide if server-side tracking is a valid alternative for your company. Is your company ready to track server-side? Take the test.

Sentiment Analysis

How are your customers really feeling? Sentiment analysis dissects the emotions behind written messages

Quinten Van Bever

Venture far enough into the rabbit hole that is Twitter, and you’ll find a cesspit of cynical comments, trolls and gloomy outlooks. But of course, not every utterance wears the emotions of the author on its sleeve. Ever wondered what people really feel when writing about your company? Are they just being polite while secretly frustrated? Sentiment analysis is an AI use case that quantifies the emotion behind a written message and that will help you discover the true emotions of your customers.

Query Parameter Mitigation

Mainstream browsers will soon block IDs in the URL to increase privacy

Nicolas Lierman

In the past, we’ve discussed at length how third party data is slowly but surely disappearing. And it looks like we’re taking another step in the right direction. Browsers like Firefox are following in Brave’s footsteps in blocking third parties even further. How? With something called ‘query parameter mitigation’. Here’s what you need to know.

MultiMinds goes UK

MultiMinds Goes UK - a chat with Iain Murphy

Siegert Dierickx

Let’s give a warm welcome to the newest member of the MultiMinds family: meet Iain Murphy, the Managing Director of our brand new UK branch. Whoa there! Wait a minute … did you just say that MultiMinds has an international office? That’s right! We’re finally expanding – and taking another huge and exciting step in our growth plan for the next 5 years. Along with Siegert and Philippe, Iain discusses the motivation behind this first stage in our expansion, how both offices will work together, and where we are headed.

Shifts in data analytics: decentralization and privacy

Decentralization and privacy: how digital analytics has changed, according to Adam Greco (Amplitude)

Siegert Dierickx

Before he became a product evangelist at Amplitude, Adam Greco had already dedicated well over 20 years of his life to digital analytics. Today, he still spends most of his time keeping a finger on the pulse of this ever-changing industry. His main conclusions? “When you look at the field as a whole, two major trends emerge. The first is a move towards increasing levels of data decentralization and democratization. The second is the growing awareness about the importance of privacy in a way that is quickly becoming undeniable.”

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation: Algorithm companies and digital monopolies

Siegert Dierickx

In this 5-part series, two innovation heavyweights go head-to-head to discuss the current and future state of affairs. AI entrepreneur and author Jim Stolze and MultiMinds’ Head of Innovation Nicolas Lierman have an in-depth conversation on innovation and technology. Part 5: how dangerous are algorithm companies and digital monopolies?

Remember when Facebook went down for six hours in October 2021? From one moment to the next, Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram all seemed to have disappeared from the Internet, while people were scrambling for other ways to get in touch. It made everyone painfully aware of how much they rely on the services of just a handful of companies. But just how dangerous are these monopolies?

Eureka - Adam Greco

Eureka! with Adam Greco (Amplitude)

Siegert Dierickx

With over 20 years of experience, Adam Greco is one of the leading voices in the digital analytics industry. He has advised hundreds of organizations and authored over 300 blogs – and an actual book – on digital analytics. Recently, Adam surprised friend and foe by joining Amplitude, the leading platform for digital product analytics. For us it was the perfect opportunity to pick his brain on the state of the data analytics industry – web, product, or otherwise – and his extensive experience in the field.

The Future Equation of Data: domain experts weigh in

The Future Equation of Data: domain experts weigh in

Siegert Dierickx

What does the future of data look like? On the 10th of May three domain experts gathered for our dinner event ‘Protect + personalize = profit. The future equation of data’. We carefully selected the panel to represent the government, the vendor side and advertising. Curious? Here are the best quotes and insights. Dig in!

The privacy project

Only 15% of requests for personal data are answered in compliance with GDPR

Peter Vertongen

Here at MultiMinds, we’re passionate about improving the CX, and respecting your customers’ privacy is an important aspect of the customer experience. But how well do companies actually comply to the privacy law? Four years after the introduction of GDPR, we’ve decided to test whether Belgian companies can follow up on the right of access. And the results are quite astonishing.

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation: How much is our personal data worth?

Siegert Dierickx

In this 5-part series, two innovation heavyweights go head-to-head to discuss the current and future state of affairs. AI entrepreneur and author Jim Stolze and MultiMinds’ Head of Innovation Nicolas Lierman have an in-depth conversation on innovation and technology. Part 4: how much is our data really worth?

The modern mantra ‘if you don’t pay for the product, you are the product’ rings truer than ever. Companies like Facebook and Google offer ‘free’ services that seem almost too good to be true. ‘Free’, because of course our personal data is the currency. Which begs the question: how much is our data really worth?

Beyond the Buzz - Self-sovereign identity

Beyond the Buzz: self-sovereign identity

Nicolas Lierman

The rise of cryptocurrency has introduced the concept of digital wallets. In addition to their main purpose – to store and secure online money – wouldn’t it make sense to also store our digital identity in an online wallet, just as we do in real life? Well, that’s exactly how self-sovereign identity works. Meet SSI, the future of online identity.

Tricks of the Trade

Product analytics: what is it, and why should you care?

Nicolas Lierman

Move over, web analytics. There’s a new kid on the block. It’s called product analytics and it will revolutionize how you evaluate and improve your digital products, from websites to mobile apps, and anything in between. It’s a new way of analyzing customer behaviour on digital platforms, which is far more in-depth than its precursor, web analytics. Here’s how product analytics works, and why you should care.

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation: The problem of biased algorithms

Siegert Dierickx

In this 5-part series, two innovation heavyweights go head-to-head to discuss the current and future state of affairs. AI entrepreneur and author Jim Stolze and MultiMinds’ Head of Innovation Nicolas Lierman have an in-depth conversation on innovation and technology. Part 3: are algorithms biased? And how can we resolve that?

Many philosophers rejoice in the rise of AI. Finally, they have something useful to think about. Ethical dilemmas concerning the development of AI technology, for example. And no wonder: AI poses massive ethical questions. So companies are turning to ethicists to deliberate on the development of this technology. AI entrepreneur Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman discuss one of the most pressing ethical issues in AI today: biased algorithms.

Beyond the Buzz - Smart contracts

Beyond the Buzz: smart contracts

Nicolas Lierman

Smartphones, smartwatches, smart ovens, they even have smart umbrellas these days – it can’t get much crazier, right? Well, now it seems that our contracts are also becoming smart. Imagine a world without empty promises or breaches of contract. Thanks to smart contracts, it’s not only possible, but also a lot more realistic than you might assume. Don’t believe us? Let’s dive deeper into the world of smart contracts.

Voka's Tech Trip 2022

TechTrip US: entrepreneurship, innovation and privacy

Siegert Dierickx

Europe is home to some of the most advanced tech research centers in the world. So why is the US tech sector so much stronger? Philippe and Siegert share their insights from the latest Voka TechTrip. What are the main differences between doing business in the US or the EU? Are American tech companies really worried about European privacy regulations? And what makes the US such a fertile ground for innovative startups? To answer these and more questions, MultiMinds founders Siegert and Philippe recently went on a trip to Austin (Texas) and Silicon Valley, together with some 50 other Flemish entrepreneurs.

E-book: 10 rules for kick-ass customer experience

E-book: 10 rules for kick-ass customer experience

Peter Vertongen

Creating a valuable customer experience is complex: at its core, it’s about the way your company, brand, products and services are perceived as a whole. It demands the right strategic decisions and perfect execution on all digital and offline touchpoints. No easy task. That’s why we’ve compiled 10 rules for kick-ass CX in a free and ungated e-book to help you get started.

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation: The impact of social media on society

Siegert Dierickx

In this 5-part series, two innovation heavyweights go head-to-head to discuss the current and future state of affairs. AI entrepreneur and author Jim Stolze and MultiMinds’ Head of Innovation Nicolas Lierman have an in-depth conversation on innovation and technology. Part 2: what is the impact of social media on society?

It’s almost unimaginable that Facebook has yet to celebrate its 18th birthday. But despite that short time, social media has made a vast and undeniable impact on society. But is social media really as problematic as whistleblower reports, lawsuits and documentaries would have us believe? And if it is, what can we do about it? Nicolas Lierman and Jim Stolze discuss the state of social media today, and where we’re headed in the coming years.

Eureka - Siegert Dierickx & Philippe Vlaemminck

Eureka! with Siegert Dierickx & Philippe Vlaemminck

Nicolas Lierman

One is a marketeer at heart with a penchant for customer experience, the other combines his passion for IT with a dash of rock and roll. Together, Siegert and Philippe are at the helm of MultiMinds, a bustling data analytics hub in the heart of Aalst, run by some 20 data fanatics. Today, the dynamic duo looks back on 7 years of entrepreneurship in the ever-changing data landscape and sheds light on the future of MultiMinds.

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation

Jim Stolze and Nicolas Lierman in conversation: Do we have true AI yet?

Siegert Dierickx

In this 5-part series, two innovation heavyweights go head-to-head to discuss the current and future state of affairs. AI entrepreneur and author Jim Stolze and MultiMinds’ Head of Innovation Nicolas Lierman have an in-depth conversation on innovation and technology. Part 1: Do we have true AI yet?

Artificial intelligence seems to dominate the discourse whenever the future of technology is discussed. But have we seen the full force of what AI can do? And will it truly revolutionize our world? Nicolas Lierman and Jim Stolze dissect what true AI means, and discuss if we are there yet.

Beyond the Buzz - Web3

Beyond the Buzz: Web3

Nicolas Lierman

The web today is not the same as it was 10 or 20 years ago. And if all the buzz around Web3 (or Web 3.0) as the ‘next phase’ of the internet is any indication, it won’t be the same tomorrow either. In fact, some people claim that the dawn of Web3 will have an impact that is comparable to that of the invention of the internet itself. But what is Web3 actually about? And what does it mean for you and your business? Let’s take a closer look.

Tricks of the Trade

Consent management: what good consent management looks like, and how to achieve it

Niels Verbeeck

Since the GDPR regulation, every website and app needs a cookie banner. Unfortunately, it’s often nothing but a cosmetic solution that doesn’t work properly. So what should a cookie banner look like, and how do you go about it? Find out in our third installment of Tricks of the Trade.

Eureka - Jim Stolze

Eureka! with Jim Stolze (author and entrepreneur)

Siegert Dierickx

He’s probably the closest thing we have to an AI guru in the Low Lands. But he’s not here to launch Skynet. Jim Stolze wants to educate the masses on how AI can help make the world a better place. We talked to Jim about AI, digitalization and the problem with tech companies today.

10 commandments of CX - part 10

X - Thou shalt be accountable for customer data

Peter Vertongen

It’s becoming one of the mantras of data collection, but what does it mean to be ‘accountable’ for data? It’s really quite simple: you are responsible for the data you collect, store and use. This may sound obvious, but in the digital transformation there has been a lot of uncertainty about who is responsible for data, especially when several parties are involved. In short: if you collect any type of data, you are responsible for what happens to that data.

Beyond the Buzz - The metaverse

Beyond the Buzz: the metaverse

Nicolas Lierman

“Man, I wish I was Mark Zuckerberg!” said no one recently. After another spate of negative revelations about its platforms, Facebook’s parent company was renamed Meta. This change also revived the discussion around the metaverse, a virtual universe said to be the future of the Internet. But is the world really waiting for a new digital platform built by one of the most controversial tech barons of his time?

Tricks of the Trade

Marketing ETL: the futureproof method to connect marketing tools and centralize data

Quinten Van Bever

Marketing data has been booming, but there’s been very little reflection on how to organize that data efficiently. How many marketing tools is your organization using? Probably at least a few, from a CRM to email marketing software, automation tool or analytics. To connect all these tools, you either need to stick with one vendor, or use connectors. But we have a better solution: marketing ETL. With marketing ETL (extract-transform-load) you can centralize all your tools. Get the full scope in our latest Tricks of the Trade.

10 commandments of CX - part 9

IX - Listen to thy customers

Peter Vertongen

“The client is always right” might be the biggest cliché when it comes to commerce. But listening to their feedback is the only way to really know your CX. Here’s how to leverage customer feedback to keep improving.

Server-Side Tracking

Surprising move by Google: Tag Manager can now be hosted on different servers

Quinten Van Bever

If you’re familiar with our first-party data philosophy, you probably know that we’re big proponents of server-side tracking. Without much fuss, Google has silently allowed their Tag Manager tool to be hosted on any server through a Docker container. What’s surprising is that Google usually doesn’t allow its applications to run outside of its own ecosphere. Does this move announce a new strategy from Google?

Eureka - Eva De Bleeker

Eureka! with Eva De Bleeker (State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection)

Siegert Dierickx

In October 2020, Eva De Bleeker was appointed State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection. As an advocate for consumers, she’s responsible for informing them about their rights, duties, and responsibilities and takes action when those rights are violated. We talked to her about the opportunities and challenges of digitalization and her role in this digital context.

10 commandments of CX - part 8

VIII - Thou shalt keep humans in the loop

Peter Vertongen

Once you’re delivering data-driven CX, automation is a logical next step to scale up. However, algorithms are not perfect, and should always be supervised by humans. Here’s why.

Beyond the Buzz - Google Analytics 4

Beyond the Buzz: Google Analytics 4

Sam Van Renterghem

The end is near! Of Google Universal Analytics, that is. At least, that’s what Google claims, one year after launching its latest web & app analytics solution GA4. So, should you say adieu to Universal Analytics once and for all? Before you hop onto the GA4 train, here’s what you need to know.

Beyond the Buzz - Data clean rooms

Beyond the Buzz: data clean rooms

Nicolas Lierman

Cleanliness is next to godliness. In the digital realm, respecting user privacy while also offering excellent customer experience seems to be a challenge of almost Biblical proportions, with ever-more stringent regulations and the imminent demise of third-party cookies. Which is why ‘data clean rooms’ are having a moment right now. But are they really the solution to everything, or just a hyped-up workaround? Here’s what you need to know.

10 commandments of CX - part 7

VII - Thou shalt never stop optimizing

Peter Vertongen

A perfect customer experience today is no guarantee for tomorrow. Lives and even whole economies change, forcing you to adapt, improvise and overcome. Or at least continuously optimize and improve customer experiences.

DIAL: Data Innovation and Acceleration Lab

DIAL: MultiMinds innovation lab

Nicolas Lierman

As our customers will confirm, MultiMinds has always had a strong focus on innovation. Our solutions don’t just fix problems customers face today. We’re helping them think ahead and prepare for the future as well. But innovation never ends, which means we need to keep moving forward. That’s why we decided to create an innovation lab, whose sole purpose is to drive innovation. We call it DIAL: Data Innovation & Acceleration Lab.

Tricks of the Trade

Server-side tracking: what is it, and why should you consider implementing it?

Lara Vandooren

In our brand new video series ‘Tricks of the Trade’, we take a deep dive into a technology or innovation we think you should be aware of. In the first installment, our digital analyst Lara Vandooren explains what server-side tracking is, and why you should care.

10 commandments of CX - part 6

VI - Deliver on thy brand promise

Peter Vertongen

Whether you’re aware of it or not, your company has a brand image. Customers expect certain things from your brand, based directly on your own branding or on external factors. This brand promise has an impact on your customer experience. So, if you want happy clients, deliver on your brand promise.

MultiMinds celebrates its 7th anniversary by creating an innovation lab

MultiMinds celebrates its 7th anniversary by creating an innovation lab

Siegert Dierickx

MultiMinds is seven years old this year: the perfect opportunity to take stock. The strategic customer data agency from Aalst doesn’t stand still. Its ambitions for the coming years are far-reaching. Reason enough for a look back and ahead with founders Siegert Dierickx and Philippe Vlaemminck.

10 commandments of CX - part 5

V - Thou shalt be customer-centric front to end

Peter Vertongen

Optimizing your cx means not only understanding customers’ needs, but also acting on them. And to do that, you need to think customer-centric. Easier said than done, right? Thinking customer-centric means putting the customer first, front-to-end. The good news: there’s a blueprint for that.

Eureka - Aurélie Pols

Eureka! with Aurélie Pols (data scientist and privacy engineer)

Siegert Dierickx

She calls herself a recovering dataholic, and she spends most of her time fighting for privacy rights in data and tech. Aurélie Pols is a respected voice in the privacy debate, and renowned for her strong stance on the issue. We talked to her about the state of privacy and the future of data.

Beyond the Buzz - Audience modeling

Beyond the Buzz: audience modeling

Nicolas Lierman

Lookalike audience modeling and evolutionary AI are revolutionizing old-school customer segmentation. Here’s what you should know.

10 commandments of CX - part 4

IV - Thou shalt identify thy audience

Peter Vertongen

Where did you last experience exceptional customer service? If your local bakery, grocer or trusted hairdresser come to mind, that’s no coincidence. It’s because they know you and act accordingly. The lesson for any digital customer experience? The better you know your client, the better the experience you can offer them.

Eureka - Jeroen Lemaire

Eureka! with Jeroen Lemaire (In The Pocket)

Siegert Dierickx

Have you checked the news lately? Made a shopping list? Spent money? If you did any of these using your smartphone, you’ve likely been touched by the wonderful world of In The Pocket. At the helm of the studio is Jeroen Lemaire.

Know thy customer

Know thy customer

Siegert Dierickx

While technology keeps advancing, complexity increases as well – and so do concerns about online privacy. At least part of the solution is the customer data platform (CDP), which is useful in SMEs as well as complex, international organisations.

10 commandments of CX - part 3

III - Thou shalt treasure thy data

Peter Vertongen

Move over gold, myrrh and incense. The true treasure these days is data, so you should treat it as such. People are becoming increasingly aware of how much personal data they leave behind, and it’s a reason to be cautious. Are you asking consumers for data? Be transparent about why you need it and what’s in it for them.

Beyond the Buzz - Recommendation engines

Beyond the Buzz: recommendation engines

Nicolas Lierman

The internet has a response just for you. We’ve got recommendation engines to thank for that, for better or worse. This specific application of data science can greatly improve your customer experience. Unfortunately, the technology can also amplify unhinged conspiracy.

Eureka - José Fernandez

Eureka! with José Fernandez (D'Ieteren)

Siegert Dierickx

José Fernandez is chief of Marketing and chief of Digital at one the oldest family-owned businesses in the world: car distributor D’Ieteren. José has a knack for creating great customer experiences using data. He’s seen many major transitions in digital innovation throughout his career. We talked to him about the rise of data, and what he considers his breakthrough moment.

10 commandments of CX - part 2

II - Thou shalt treat thy employees as ambassadors

Siegert Dierickx

What if Jesus viewed his disciples as mere servants? He might have gone down in history as just another ungrateful boss, and the good word would probably have never spread. Think about your own employees not just as hired hands, but as true ambassadors. If they go forth and preach the values of your organization, this will become evident in every single customer interaction.

10 commandments of CX - part 1

I - Thou shalt focus on the journey, not the interaction

Peter Vertongen

Every customer interaction counts. But you should never lose sight of the overall journey. When Moses led the Hebrews into the Sinai, they wandered through the desert for three months. Had he focused on the tired ponderings of his fellow travelers, they would surely not have reached their goal. Instead, Moses kept his mind on the big picture. Just as you should focus on the customer journey, not solely on interactions.

Eureka - Mieke De Ketelaere

Eureka! with Mieke De Ketelaere

Siegert Dierickx

“Suddenly, it became clear to me that customer data held a wealth of insights that could turn the marketing department from a cost into a profit center, simply through the application of data science.”

Beyond the Buzz - Predictive analytics

Beyond the Buzz: predictive analytics

Nicolas Lierman

If you could see the future, what would you do with that power? For modern businesses, that dream is slowly but surely becoming a reality, thanks to predictive analytics. Armed with current and historical data and a whole range of analytics technologies, you can make reliable predictions of what’s likely to happen hours, days or even weeks from now. But what’s this buzzword actually about, and what does it mean for you?

Are marketers ruining the internet?

Are marketers ruining the internet?

Peter Vertongen

Marketers have the momentum to change the way we target customers and as a bonus we contribute in saving our democracy. How exciting is that?

GA4: The new Google Analytics

GA4: The new Google Analytics

Jens Beulens

Google recently introduced Google Analytics 4 (or GA4 short) as its new default experience for all new properties. The new version of Google analytics builds on the foundation of the App + Web property introduced in 2019 and is a new, ‘smarter’ approach to analytics. GA4 combines the power of machine learning with its new event-driven data model and lots of other new functionalities to generate a more customer-centric approach. In this blogpost, we’ll guide you through the main differences with the ‘old’ Universal Analytics and tell you something about the new features of GA4.

6 tips to successfully run experiments

6 tips to successfully run experiments

Jens Beulens

Let’s start by stating the obvious: basing marketing decisions purely on guesses and assumptions is never a good idea. However, some marketers still rely on their feeling and intuition while evaluating alternatives for their website design, call-to-action messages, email content and other sorts of online factors. Instead of just predicting the outcome of these decisions by mere guesswork, you should run experiments like A/B tests and multivariate tests in order to optimize conversion rates and serve everyone with a personalized experience across your touch points. In one of our previous blogposts we talked about the what, why and how of A/B testing, now we’ll list 6 tips to get the most out of your online experiments.

Lookalike modeling

A short introduction to lookalike modeling

Jens Beulens

The search for new potential customers can be long and exhausting. Where do you start looking and how do you reach new prospects? And how can you target them in a cost-effective way while maximizing your conversion rate? Imagine just collecting data on your most valuable customers and being able to reach a whole new audience that is very similar to those customers. Sounds impossible? With lookalike modeling it isn't!

Israeli, wildly ambitious and very direct

Israeli, wildly ambitious and very direct

Siegert Dierickx

Last week I had the pleasure to join the Chamber of Commerce of East-Flanders (Belgium) on a tech-trip to Israel. Together with 48 Flemish entrepreneurs and academics, we visited different start-ups, established companies, incubators and VCs, a hospital and a university based in and around Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa.



Jens Beulens

Today’s customers interact with your brand across numerous different touch points and leave a significant trace of valuable data in these channels. Modern companies collect this data and turn it into opportunities to attract new customers and create a seamless experience for them across all these touch points. In order to get the most out of their data potential, companies need the appropriate technologies. That’s why more and more organizations are investing in Data Management Platforms (DMPs) and Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) to help manage and monetize their customer data. When integrated with the complete MarTech stack, these technologies enable organizations to create a complete 360° view of their customers and target them with the right campaigns at the right time. But what exactly are DMPs and CDPs? What can they do and how do they differ? And more importantly: Which one do you need? Read all about it in this blogpost.

What does a Digital Analytics Consultant do at MultiMinds - Lara

What does a Digital Analytics Consultant do at MultiMinds?

Lara Vandooren

Lara is a Digital Analytics Consultant at MultiMinds. She found a job thanks to an enthusiastic acquaintance that believed in the future of digital analytics. We let her speak.

Tracking iframes with Tealium

Tracking iframes with Tealium

Sam Van Renterghem

Figure out how to track iframes with Tealium in a flexible manner.

Four common mistakes made in dashboard design

4 common mistakes made in dashboard design

Jens Beulens

Dashboards can be very useful to visualize your data in an effective and clear way. Although good dashboards should be straightforward and easy to interpret, the process of building them isn’t always a piece of cake. Poor design, unclear visualizations and bad understanding of the stakeholder needs are some of the main reasons many dashboards miss their purpose. In this blogpost we list some of the most common mistakes in dashboard design and state how you can avoid them.

How to create actionable dashboards in 7 steps

How to create actionable dashboards in 7 steps

Jens Beulens

Dashboarding has become more and more common as organizations look for methods to visualize their data in an effective way and gain useful insights. The power of dashboards lies in their ability to present complex information in a visual format through one single interface. They enable the stakeholders to get a clear view of the performance of their organization instead of drowning in the flood of data.

The what, why and how of A/B testing

The what, why and how of A/B testing

Jens Beulens

A/B testing can be a very valuable technique to optimize your website and online content. Nowadays all big companies are continuously running A/B tests in order to learn about their audience preferences and enhance the effectiveness of their online efforts. But what are A/B tests? Why do companies use them? And how do you run a successful A/B test? No need to look further! All the answers to your questions are below.

Why offering training is great for your own employees

Why offering training is great for your own employees

Siegert Dierickx

We believe in training, MultiMinds offers professional training in classroom style or coaching mode. Because we believe in sharing knowledge and know-how. But there are more reason to it why MultiMinds invests in offering training.

Apple privacy

What is the impact of ITP 2.1 on online marketing?

Peter Vertongen

For a while now, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has been criticizing fellow Silicon Valley companies for basing their business models on the harvesting of personal information. According to Apple the collection of huge amounts of personal data by companies is harming society. That’s why the tech giant calls for new privacy laws, uses the privacy topic in campaigns and follows the privacy by design principle for their products.

Adobe Analytics - Workspace Tips & Tricks

Adobe Analytics - Workspace Tips & Tricks

Lara Vandooren

Hi there, fellow Adobe user. As you may know, Adobe Analytics offers a wide range of possibilities; there are numerous options in the workspace alone. But some of them are a bit hidden or harder to find, that's why I created this blog post.

From 'Made in China' to 'Designed in China'

From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Designed in China’

Siegert Dierickx

MultiMinds joined a diverse group of entrepreneurs on an inspirational and commercial tour through China and Hong Kong.

How to create a report with automatic rolling date ranges in Adobe Analytics

How to create a report with automatic rolling date ranges in Adobe Analytics

Lara Vandooren

This is an issue we encountered with one of our clients recently. Monthly dashboards were created in Adobe Analytics to compare some metrics to previous months (“month-over-month”).

AI creates jobs right

AI creates jobs, right? Right!?

Siegert Dierickx

New technologies often confront people with a difficult factor of the unknown, with an inherent change around the corner. New technology has always – and always will be - around, we are too curious, ambitious and inventive not to want to tinker with stuff or trying to change processes for the better. The outcome of that tinkering around, adapting existing materials and processes, often results in something new, a new technology.

How to work with Node.js and the Google Analytics Reporting API

How to work with Node.js and the Google Analytics Reporting API

Nicolas Lierman

One of the coolest things with Google Analytics is all the different ways you can work with your data, and API's are a big part of that. Google Analytics has many API's; for reporting, account management, metadata, multi-channel funnels, user management, etc. In this post we're going to take an in-depth look at the Google Analytics Reporting API v4 and how to use it in your Node.js projects.

Traditional Web Analytics is dying, what's next?

Traditional Web Analytics is dying, what’s next?

Nicolas Lierman

The ground is shaking and the landscape around you is changing rapidly. If you are a traditional web analyst you should be worried. The proverbial ice caps are melting and it’s time to adapt. While you were setting up conversion goals in your web analytics solution, the complexity and scope of customer behavioural data has evolved so much that data teams are taking over.

My internship at MultiMinds - Amelie pool

My Internship at MultiMinds

Siegert Dierickx

My first encounter with MultiMinds was at the VEK Career day in Ghent, which is an annual job fair organized by the VEK. As I am heading towards my last year of Business Engineering: Data Analytics, I wanted to do an internship to apply the theory into practice.

Meet the MultiMinds team to get your data working

My first year at MultiMinds

Geoffrey Pappaert

The thing I love most about my job is solving problems and hidden complexities. The main goal of my job as a Technical Solution Expert is to make sure that data on websites is captured and sent correctly to the different destinations for reporting. Sounds simple, but it's way more complex than that.

Data Collection as the first step towards Data Activation

Data Collection as the first step towards Data Activation

Niels Verbeeck

In comparison to many European countries, Belgium always has been a digital marketing laggard. Last year I noticed that leveraging data-driven marketing is gaining more and more interest from big Belgian companies. In most cases, those companies already had a huge amount of data stored in a data centre or in the cloud, but they didn’t have a clue on how they could act on all of that data.

Forrester Wave

Why The Latest Forrester Wave on Digital Intelligence Doesn’t Make Sense

Siegert Dierickx

The latest Forrester Wave on Digital Intelligence platforms is out The forrester Wave: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q2 '17. It is no surprise that Adobe is leading the gang, again. It seems they are leading almost every Forrester Wave that is out. But it is also fully justified: they are one of the only vendors that have actually managed to integrate all their different solutions into one efficient platform, but also offer them as standalone solutions.

Is your company ready for the GDPR

Is your company ready for the GDPR?

Philippe Vlaemminck

Take your agenda and on May 25, 2018, write down: “Take the day off”. It will be the most rewarding day because all your friends in the data industry will be hard at work. The reason? It’s the day GDPR will become law, and you will be totally relaxed because you are ready for it. Right? Right! Well just keep on reading if this all sounds a bit hazy to you.

Participation Metrics in Adobe Analytics

Participation Metrics in Adobe Analytics

Lara Vandooren

Adobe Analytics offers many interesting features, and in my opinion, the participation metric is definitely one of them. In this post I will talk about the benefits, why you should use them, and also teach you to enable them in your analysis workspace.

Google Analytics and Tag Manager with Ionic and Cordova apps

Google Analytics and Tag Manager with Ionic and Cordova apps

Nicolas Lierman

Recently we did a tracking implementation for a client with an online service that had both a standard website and a mobile iOS app. The app, however, was hybrid app based on the Cordova framework. It’s a technology that allows you to use standard web technologies to develop cross-platform mobile applications. And while this solution offers optimal flexibility and quick release cycles from a technological perspective, it also provides some headaches when it comes to analytics.

How to measure Ad Blocker with Google Tag Manager

How to measure Ad Blocker with Google Tag Manager

Sam Van Renterghem

Have you ever wondered how many people on your site have an Ad Blocker active? Would you like to know what effect this has on your visitors? If your answer is “Yes”, then this post is for you!

Getting started with google analytics reporting api and python

Getting started with Google Analytics Reporting API (V4) and Python

Nicolas Lierman

Ever wanted to do something with the Google Analytics Reporting API but didn’t really know how to begin? In this article I’ll introduce you on how to get started with Python and the Google Analytics Reporting API V4. You’ll learn how to create a report using the API and create an awesome looking graph (top cities / visit) like this:

Celebrating one year MultiMinds

Celebrating One Year MultiMinds

Siegert Dierickx

One year ago exactly, a marketing mind and an IT mind officially joined forces. The first one had over 12 years of experience in digital analytics and marketing in different market verticals.The second one had over 15 year of experience in all IT related processes and data integrations in large enterprises (especially banking), in a pan-European context.

MultiMinds for Voka's Flanders future Bryo

MultiMinds for Voka’s Flanders Future Bryo

Siegert Dierickx

2014 has been a great year for MultiMinds! We kicked off in July, entered our new offices in Aalst in September, established a very nice client base during our first 6 months, and we hired our first full-time employer at the start of 2015. So far this (short) adventure has been great, and but of course there is a long road ahead of us and our ambitions are even stronger than ever.

Mediahuis Logo

Case: Tealium IQ Applied at Mediahuis

Siegert Dierickx

Originally, Mediahuis suffered frustration with the time consuming process of manually deploying, maintaining and updating tags across their websites, and the errors that could result. Installing a new marketing tag could take up to 4 weeks. The merger between Mediahuis and Concentra introduced further sites into the portfolio, creating another level of complexity with different processes and measurement.